acls is over and i can proudly say that i have passed :D but whether or not i can react fast enough and recall the algorithm when someone collapse in front of me is another issue.
have been trying to get back on track these few weeks. i duno if this is the kind of life i want, but at least i feel more at peace with myself.
3 more weeks and semester 8 is over. then i am leaving to taiwan for my elective. i cant wait to leave this place coz it kept reminding me of someone.
need to exercise and control my diet from now. then i can eat till i die in taiwan! ;p

if anybody say this to me, i will melt like a chocolate!not exactly anybody, maybe only somebody. but i don't think i will get that. cant believe i am saying this, but i actually miss all the sweet talkings, and how you made my heart skip a beat :(
sometimes, i really don't understand you.