this week is a crazy week. clinical skills practises, table tennis practise, blood bank visit, charity home visit, pbl, csu. there is no time to catch up the piled up notes at all. my goodness. i am so lagging behind for hematology. i used to like this system a lot in foundation1, but now, sigh. i just cant force those long complicated terms into my head. who cares about idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura when man hasn't even discovered the cause yet. yada yada yada.
anyway, we had table tennis practise yesterday =) i miss the time in mcnair where table tennis table is just so near that we can play whenever we want. i miss the time when i play with sj, who is sarawak state player. i miss the time when we used to play at hc. i miss the time in secondary school when i was the captain for the table tennis team ( eventhough i am not the best player). i miss the time when we play in a classroom during primary school, even when the table is only 3 legged. i really want to improve my skills. but there is just so little time, and i still couldn't find anyone that is patient enough to teach me. but but but, i will be playing for my batch next monday because we are lacked of players.
clinical skills practise. we had few practises this week. i think i am very robotic. somehow, it's just very hard to show concern towards simulated patient because they are all healthy individuals like us. and i still have troubles locating for apex beat and JVP. sigh sigh sigh. more practise!
i found a picture that i like a lot. somehow, i think i look really contented in this picture. it was taken at gunung dato, a hike i went during may holidays =)
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