quoting from a chapter in dale carnegie's:
The value of smile
The value of smile
It costs nothing, but create much
It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give
It happens in a flash, and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever
None are so rich they can get along without it, and none so poor but are richer for its benefits
Yet it cannot be bought, borrowed, begged, or stolen, for it is something that is no earthly good to anybody till its given away.
the smiley which is with me for the past 1 year+ given by balala :)
yesterday, i was searching through my drawer, for some pretty postcards to decorate my room in seremban. thats where i keep the postcards which are sent by friends and also those which i have collected in singapore. lots of them. colourful ones, meaningful ones, inspiring ones, funny ones, hamsap ones. from different parts of the world. and i hoping for more to come, as many of the hamsaps are soon flying to everywhere, and i will get to collect more of them. to enter the 'wall of fame' , just send the entry form to me okay * hint* ;p
i like this one the most, given by my angel, kevin when i was playing angel and mortal game during JC times. so apt ler for now:)
i plan to put all these colourful postcards on the wall. this will definitely cheer me up when i am studying. and not forgetting my LEEHOM posters. i found back the poster which i got in sg, the one which kh, sy and myself went all the way to jurong east ( or was it bishan) to get it signed by LEEHOM :D that was my first meeting with him. wahahahaha.. wahahahaha..wahahahaahaa..

HAHA. i look so noob that time.
another noob moment, i found back many letters in the drawer, dated as old as 1997, sent by my primary school mates. we were so noob back then ler. sending each other snail mails during holidays when we were just staying few km away from each other. and oh man. my chinese handwriting was sooooo bad back then. haha. i miss those times. and those things we did. things we did when we are innocent and childish ;p
talking about childish, i just had so many childish comments on my fb wall on my status : MISU MISU! ahhhh, i am so in love with the drama! especially xiao xiao bing :D
i am so heartbroken-ed :(
i am so heartbroken-ed :(
I used to put the same postcard on my desk throughout JC!
This remind me to take it out and put it there again.
hamsap queen: why are you heartbroken?? what is this -ed? haha. bad england!
jh: u have that too? how come i didnt see it. u copy cat me ;p haha. i didnt realise i have it until i tidy up my postcards and saw that :)
Ya I have it! I think I got it from the place near library in JC1 with all the post cards.
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