got a package from my dear postwoman, wy, all the way from philly :) it really warm my heart. reading through the postcards made me feel loved, this familiar feelings which i have long forgotten. hamsap, you just never failed to make me smile ( and tear) :)
and in the postcard, there's one line which i once wrote, which i have forgotten,
'you know, your ventricles need to pump very hard to circulate blood through your body. For every pulse, every breath, there are so many things happening in your body. so, don't waste your heart beat'
well said. i know have been wasting my heartbeat.and i know there's a sequelae everytime i get hurt. i know i have made people who care about me worried.
weekend break back in kuantan made me realised how much i have made my mom worried. she said i look cachexic. i have lost the radiant on my face.i have lost the smiles. and her heart aches when she sees me like this. i need to take that fresh new step forward, and not allowing myself to fall deeper.
anyway, thankyou hamsap!for everything!for being the very special person :)
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