Saturday, March 30, 2013

t minus 11

t minus 11 to the exam. been running low on motivation. came across this video which is really inspiring. Actually watched this during my ck preparation, but this time it makes more sense.

Whoever who are on the same boat as me, may all of us succeed in this exam. It's definitely not easy. but we really can't let this exam define who we are. definitely should never let this exam stop us from achieving what we want.

It's that close. really close. I have to give my final push.

I just want to pray that I can have a good sleep and rest during this final phase of preparation. Please grant me the peace, confidence, strength to pull through this.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Recently, I saw one piece of news circulated among my FB friends. It's regarding the letter from ministry of health stating that more than 95% of the post for medical officer in the country have been filled, and in certain states, it has even over-filled.

This is an irony. One side of the story, so many government doctors are complaining that they are over-working, another side of, the government is giving letter stating that the post is going to be over filled.

Question is, what happen after that? So, very soon, as predicted by many, doctors may be jobless.

The 5 years journey of medical school is definitely not an easy. and when one is faced with such situation after graduating, who is going to be responsible?

During the family gathering last month, I was asked, how do you sum up your medical school life? Did you cry everyday? Lol, to be honest, I did cry, from stress, from relationship issues, from family issues etc. Of course, I still cannot forget how traumatised I was when I witness the first resuscitation in the ward when I was still a pre-clinical student. I can just hear the bone cracking underneath when the doctors are doing the chest compression.

So, ask me again, is it worth it? The answer would be Yes. Regret, definitely, especially at times when I just cannot cope with the stress, when things can be so easy when you just say, I give up.

But, I hold on to it. and the happiness when I received the scroll with the piece of paper stating MBBS is just..plain bliss.

That was a dream since childhood. And yes, it has came true.

They say, 'the dream is great, but who you need to become to get your dream done is the real reward. '

I am truly blessed, to have met the people in my life, for without them, I could not have achieve what I have today. I think the long path, or what people name it as 'calling' has definitely changed me in a way.

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

5 weeks

5 more weeks to the big war, my final war to go!

Been doing UW Question bank last week. It is actually considered by most exam takers as one of the best tool for preparation in usmle. I am left with 1325 Q to go. Doing 3blocks of questions a day, slowly, and surely I am reaching the finishing line.

The journey is not easy. Of course nothing worth having is going to be easy. Something and for some reason, I am led to this path. Whatever reason it is for, I am going to do my best. I have learnt so much during this journey, not only medically, but also many other aspects. I am sure this will make me a better person at the end of the journey.

After this, I am going to use all this knowledge that I have to help ( hopefully and finally). One of my lecturers in internal medicine actually told me, we have been receiving much, so it's time to give out some. I totally agree with this. I am going to use whatever I have ( regardless how little), to give back to the people.

So much has happened since I last posted. A close family member of mine has pass on to a better place. They say human come and go, without notifying you. Death, just like labour, can happen anytime, and caught you in a surprise, either in a pleasant or a not so pleasant way. ah gong, wherever you are now, I just want to thank you, for without you, I would not be typing this here. may you rest in peace.

Another piece of news, ( good news at least) , I have passed my step2 CS. Compared to the forum mates which I have practised with, I definitely do not deserve this. But I really thank god this this. After ck and cs, I am left with the very last giant step to go.

Just have to tell myself, keep going. Just have to repeat this" I am not telling you it is going to be easy, I am telling you it's going to be worth it.