Saturday, May 23, 2009

belated mother's day:)

life of a woman is greatly changed when an egg is conceived in her body. not only there are many physical changes and adaptations for this new life, she also has to bear many new responsibilities.

i like the last line of this article especially :)

''There is no way we can ever repay the debt to the women who gave us life; we will never be "even" with our moms. So every day should be a new day to appreciate, love, care for and devote ourselves to making our mothers' lives great today and even better tomorrow.''

something i saw at a vegetarian restaurant recently, the quote says, there are two things that u should not wait or delay in this world, first one is filial piety, the other one is charity. very true indeed. and i believe, both are equally important, as the fundamental charity starts at home, as my friend pointed out once.

i am eating vegetarian food for at least the next 2 weeks.

i pray. i hope. i wish.

for one thing. for the best. for you i shall be strong :)

and i am learning to take up many many responsibilities that i have never imagined. learning slowly, but surely:)

happy mothers' day to all the mothers.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The little things :)

The little things that made me smile :) day in day out, people are busy with their own lives, neglecting small little things in life. its amazing how these small gestures can touch one's heart :) THANK YOU


Sunday, May 17, 2009


we are in renal system now and few equations to learn, renal clearance, GFR.....

and queen sent me a msg one night, it says, if only life had an equation that can solve everything! it just struck me at that moment, do we have such equation in life? do we have answers to everything?

and so i asked this question to my another close friend, and his reply was that life is such a complex journey that there's no one equation to it, and whenever there's a problem, we will think it through, come up with an equation, answer it and move on until we come up to another problem.

at this point of time, i really hope that there is THE equation that can solve everything in life. problems piling and piling. unsolved problems.

some people said learning mathematics is useful because by solving all the mathematical problems, we will acquire the skills to solve problems in life, or at least simplify them. i wonder is this true. i used to score very well in mathematics and additional mathematics in school. but, why can't i solve anything now. anything.

and queen sent me another msg the other day, ''courage does not always RWOAR, courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says, i will try tomorrow'' i havent been studying at all this past few nights, and every morning i tell myself, i must wake up with more strength today, with more positive energy to face what the world has prepared for me. because i believe whatever that happened today happened for a reason,and it is going to mould us to be a better person tomorrow.

''i will try tomorrow'' i know i can do it :)

2 more weeks to summative! study!!!!

side note, 17th May is lee hom's birthday , 17th May is also world international hypertension day ( hmmm, i wonder what they do on this day! ) and more importantly, 17th May is hamsap mus' birthday! happy 24th birthday MUSTAQIM!!! sorry for always bothering u online, sorry for always disturbing u middle of the night ( stupid canada time zone!) and most importantly thank you for all the advices, all the osce online teaching sesssions, all the stress that u put upon me to motivate me to study and thank you for the friendship :)
thank you :)

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Organ Donation

This week has been a hectic week. from IMS, to dialysis centre, to pbl, to preparation for summative and to my very own personal problems.

anyway, the visit to dialysis centre is something worth mentioning. the building itself was quite a run down building which i later found out that its because they have been in this very building since 1993, and this is actually the very first dialysis centre set up by NGO in malaysia.

we were given briefing by a staff there, after which she shared a lot of her experience in dealing with kidney failure patient. basically, as a background information, kidney failure patient is someone with a non-functioning kidney and thus whatever waste produced in our body cannot be excreted out. thus, these people will normally opt for haemodialysis. and this has to be done at least 3 times a week, imagine, our kidney functions 24 hours a day, while they go for 12 hours of dialysis in a week time. and this is a lifelong suffering unless kidney is transplanted to them.

the staff then introduced to us one of the patient whom has gone through haemodialysis for 20+ years. she told us it is embarassing to admit that there's patient who needs to go for haemodialysis for so long and yet to found a kidney for transplantation. she explained that in overseas, the longest that one has to wait is 5 years (!!!)

this is because there's very little awareness in the importance of organ donation here. thus the waiting list goes on longer and longer and longer. there's one saying in buddhism, everyone is born to give. very true indeed. but how many actually realise this, and those that realised this, how many acually practises it? not many. animals, plants, trees sacrificed themselves for us, without asking anything in return. but how about us human? whatever we do, it is our human nature to ask or expect something back in return. for example, employees work, and they expect a pay. so, if we pledge for organ donation, what do we get? nothing. since our organ will only be taken after we are dead, we will not get anything in return if we pledge. so why should we pledge? many reasons.

take for example, if i pledge for organ donation, andddd if i pass away in an accident ( TOUCH WOOD), my organs will be donated to those on the waiting list. you will be surprised that so many organs in our body can be donated to other people. 2 kidneys to donate, but take a guess how many will benefit from this? not 2, but 4!!!! why? because each kidney will benefit 2 individuals, and once these two individuals recovered, they will not require haemodialysis, and another two kidney failure patients will be given opportunity to take up the place, since there are insufficient machines now.

many many other stories were shared by the staff there. inspiring anddd, for the first time in my life ( after 1.5 years in medical school) , i got to feel for thrill and listen to a bruit!!!! my my my!

so ya, what are u waiting for, pledge for organ donation now :)

unsettlement. exhausted. dissappointment.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Sunday, May 03, 2009



my first ever concert! one word - FANTASTIC. he didnt dissappoint me. one thing for sure, he played all the musical instruments soooo well that leaves me no regret for spending on the ticket.
the venue
the company :)
the reason why 25 thousands ppl gather at the stadium :)

something that i realised, concert is a good place to reflect. while i was watching leehom playing guitar, i can feel that he is so in love with music, so in love with the things that he is doing now. people always say, do the things that u are interested, then u will succeed. but this is the first time i have seen someone soooo into the things that he is doing, so in love with the things that he is doing. i believe this is the key to success, loving the things that u are doing, and doing the things that you love. because of his passion for music, because of his belief in sharing music with other people, he is who he is today.

i hope i can stand out one day and say, medicine is something that i want to do, it is something that i love. i guess it will happen some day. and only then i will become a great doctor. one day.

somehow during the concert, i suddenly remembered the quote that xy once shared with me, if you love something, set it free, let it go, if it comes back , it is yours. looking at lee hom, this is what i felt yesterday. if his parents,who are of medical background stop him from involving in music, stop him from singing, producing musics, leehom wouldnt be doing what he likes now. and this will be plain torturous to be forced to do things that you don't like. and it will be a loss to the music industry. and this just struck me hard yesterday. if you love someone, let him/her to do the things that they like. if its meant to be, it will be :)

all in all, it has been a great experience:) looking at someone that i have admired for 10 years+ performing on the stage is my dream all along. and yay, i wasn't dissappointed by the perfomance. keep going, and keep producing good music, MUSIC MAN :)